This is fairly pedantic, but…you know, nerds, so it checks out.
Category: Uncategorized
Devil Actually Pretty Nice Guy
Funko will make a blank-faced figure out of ANYTHING but it looks like they’re run by some pretty generous people.Funko Sends Charlie Cox Over 100 “Daredevil” Pop! Figures to Bring

148: Stupid Like a Fox
X-Men: Apocalypse may have been stingy on thrills, but it’s the gift that keeps on giving to podcasters as we triple-back to the film, this time looking at Fox’s tone-deaf
‘Star Wars’ Star John Boyega Takes Lead In ‘Pacific Rim’ Sequel | Deadline
This movie might finally get made and they’ve found the perfect guy to play the lead; wonder who they’ll get to synchronize with him? (No! Not Oscar Isaac! Down! Down,
Arrested Wasteland
Did these a while ago but I had a request to put them back up. WHAT A LOVELY POST *ahem*
Jubilee announced and cast for movie that is looking more and more like it’s going to be in the 90’s more than the 80’s… Via CBR
The Truth is Out There (picking up its kids from soccer practice)
The X-Files will return to Fox as a 6 episode mini-series with Duchovny, Anderson and Carter all attached. Carter jokingly calls the interlude a “13 year commercial break” although he