We’re ready to eat ash this week as we review the dragon-filled 2002 flick “Reign of Fire” and chase it down with our review of the new film “Blonde”! Always

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We’re ready to eat ash this week as we review the dragon-filled 2002 flick “Reign of Fire” and chase it down with our review of the new film “Blonde”! Always
We’re headed for Dreamland this week as we take a look at the new Netflix series “The Sandman”! Go maximalist! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor
This week, we’re watching one of the movies BEHIND the greatest movies of all time, “Mank”! Listen to “388: A Barrel of Crackers” on Spreaker.
This week, we damn the critics and give Netflix’s Cuties a fair shake! No follow up jokes. Senegalese Footloose!
Rinse out the Box and don your ice bags ’cause nothing is true and everything is permitted this week as we once again bring you all the news that’s fit
We’re back to do it all over again as we review Alita: Battle Angel and Umbrella Academy! Plus, a look at the comics that inspired the film and Netflix show.
Get ready to live like a movie star and party like a rock star with us as we make the two Fyre Festival documentaries, Fyre Fraud and Fire: TPTNH, against
Get HOLLIED this Yuletide season as we gift you a show that has a ton of holiday cheer but could use some more Christmas cookies! We take a look at
Break the walls down with us this week as we go full spoiler on the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale! Plus, we examine the TV singularity and report movie
Be one with everything this week as we return with news of the nerd world, including the Netflix/Disney breakup, Netflix’s money troubles, comic movie casting news, and Atonement spoilers galore!