This week, we take aim at the new Disney+ series “Hawkeye”! Netflix is a digital landlord! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! Celebrate guilty
Month: November 2021
438: The Pyrite Age of Television
Big wheel keeps on turnin’ this week as we review the new Amazon high fantasy series, “The Wheel of Time”! It’s so self-serious it sinks itself! Check out the new
437: Babies Making TVs
We’re bringing all the Disney/Marvel news that’s fit to cast this week, plus a review of X-Men ’92’s “Night of the Sentinels!” Straight chef’s kiss! Check out the new show
436: Never Go With A Hippie To Second Level
This week, we reward(?) our patrons by reviewing the 1974 classic (also ?) Zardoz! And we talk about Eternals, which is basically the same movie. Stop doxxing cats. Check out