It’s here. We’ve seen it. You’ve (hopefully) seen it. Let’s talk Avengers: Infinity War. We’ve got Lady Steppenwolf. We’ve got Burt Macklin. And of course, the Dink. Seriously . .

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
It’s here. We’ve seen it. You’ve (hopefully) seen it. Let’s talk Avengers: Infinity War. We’ve got Lady Steppenwolf. We’ve got Burt Macklin. And of course, the Dink. Seriously . .
This isĀ it! The big thing before the next big thing! We’re in the final phase of our recap of every phase of the MCU with Phase 3! Join us for
The march continues as we enter Phase 2 of our Marvel Cinematic Universe rewatch! Join us for a look at the Empire Strikes Back era of Marvel films, where each
Even Rex Manning is running scared this week as we prepare for the coming of the Mad Titan by reviewing every single Marvel Cinematic Universe film to date! This week,
We come for the king this week as we talk about the work of “Best” director Guillermo del Toro and give a review of Crimson Peak! Plus, we bring you