Ok, suckers; you’ve taken your best shot…now it’s OUR turn! This week for Comic Book Club, we tackle the ultimate X-Men classic, The Dark Phoenix Saga! Establish a psychic rapport

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
Ok, suckers; you’ve taken your best shot…now it’s OUR turn! This week for Comic Book Club, we tackle the ultimate X-Men classic, The Dark Phoenix Saga! Establish a psychic rapport
Check out this piece I wrote for Twin Cities Geek. It’s got Deadpool in it (no, he doesn’t talk directly to you).http://twincitiesgeek.com/2016/02/cis-boom-blah-going-for-the-joke-in-deadpool/
Blasting forth from the JET news studio, we’re back to bring you all the dirt from the world of geek. On this show, we talk both DC Rebirth, Harper and
Join the Pantheon this week as we judge The Wicked + The Divine! Laugh as Kal says “Amaterasu” wrong 157 times! Jeer as Mika runs the gauntlet of The Mark
It’s Deadpool’s world now; we just live in it…until he kills us. The Merc with the Mouth has taken Hollywood by storm and we’re here to sort through the pieces
This week, we dig into the lyrical vomit of that magical truthsayin’ bastard Spider Jerusalem as Comic Book Club does Transmetropolitan! Plus, a look at Outlander season 2 and Kal’s
JET is back with the news of the week, including Alphabet, Supergirl/Flash, Angouleme, and those lovable scamps, the Fine Bros! Plus, Mika has a review of the latest Prairie Home
We go all cyber-future on this show as we gush about SyFy’s The Expanse! Plus, X-Men talk, Supergirl and Flash talk AND we double down on cyber-future with Battle Angel
Just Enough Trope is back with a news update where we talk Admiral Thrawn, Archie and the gang and *ZOINKS* Hanna Barbera characters! It’s a real flashback, man. Mika brings