The Generalissimo’s gone but our smiles stay on as we celebrate the life and lesser-known characters of Stan “The Man” Lee! Excelsior! Play Bingos Lanthimos along with us at home

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
The Generalissimo’s gone but our smiles stay on as we celebrate the life and lesser-known characters of Stan “The Man” Lee! Excelsior! Play Bingos Lanthimos along with us at home
It’s better late than thankless this week as we catch up on gratefulness for the current state of nerdery, including more diverse characters, more things to love, and more people
There were a lot of good options for naming this episode, but in the end, it always came down to Ditko Balls. Be cowed, wowed, and plowed this show as
We test Santa’s patience this week as we bring the News of the Nerd, place our bets on Stan Lee vs. the Grim Reaper, and curse that cowardly p’tach Bryan
Get it all this week as we deliver a show that is full to the brim with nerd goodness. We talk Monster Trucks, Suicide Squad, The Lion King, posit a
Comics are back in the building this week as we review The New Teen Titans #1-5 for Comic Book Club! Plus, a bevy of nerdy news stories, from the death
Blasting forth from the JET news studio, we’re back to bring you all the dirt from the world of geek. On this show, we talk both DC Rebirth, Harper and