We’re nearly to the propane factory this week as we bring you all the news that’s fit to cast from the world of nerdy entertainment! Plus, we try recasting the

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We’re nearly to the propane factory this week as we bring you all the news that’s fit to cast from the world of nerdy entertainment! Plus, we try recasting the
Get ready to round down your Kessel Run distance as we review the new Star Wars moive, Solo! Plus, movie news and a look at the first Volume of Deadly
The Merc With the Mouth is back and we’re here to review his latest cineMETAic masterpiece! Plus, news of the nerd and good news about The Expanse! What, no zamboni
The march continues as we enter Phase 2 of our Marvel Cinematic Universe rewatch! Join us for a look at the Empire Strikes Back era of Marvel films, where each
We come for the king this week as we talk about the work of “Best” director Guillermo del Toro and give a review of Crimson Peak! Plus, we bring you
We come in on little cat’s feet this week as Kaliban and Mikanhana bring you all the news that’s fit to cast from the world of nerdy entertainment! We talk
Push the old year down the stairs with us as we celebrate the coming of 2018 with a look at our favorite films, shows, and comics of 2017! Then, take
Everyone thinks their favorite podcast is evil . . . but what if it’s really true? This week, we throw in with Marvel’s Runaways and review the comic series and
Samurais are back (from the dead) this week as we cross swords with the modern classic, Blade of the Immortal! Plus, a review of the new live action Blade of
It’s time to rok out with your ragna out as we provide our review of Thor: Ragnarok, a movie so full Led Zeppin’, face steppin’, laser blastin’, and Executioner laughin’