We’re seeing triple this week as we review the Oscar hopeful “Coda”, the new Halo series, and our Patreon pick for this month, the 1993 film “In the Name of

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We’re seeing triple this week as we review the Oscar hopeful “Coda”, the new Halo series, and our Patreon pick for this month, the 1993 film “In the Name of
We double down on Oscar films this week as we review Belfast and Don’t Look Up! It’s a classic Cinderella situation! Check out the new show on the JET Network,
We’re letting the text do the work this week as we cruise around the Japanese smash film “Drive My Car”! We really need a name for this gun we’re using
This week, we’ve got the balls to go toe-to-toe with “The Power of the Dog”! Plus, Oscar noms! I don’t believe in gloves or testicles. Check out the new show
Get your bats out because we’re goin’ to town on the new DC movie “Birds of Prey (and yadda yadda yadda)”! Plus, we’ve got a cavalcade of failure in nerd
We’re drawing from the Well of Tropiness this week as we look at the new season of Sex Education through the lens of Not Another Teen Movie! Plus, a nerd
We tuck into a little baklava this week as we spin our wheels bringing you the latest news from the world of nerdy entertainment, including stories about a Nic Cage/Lovecraft
Sidle up to us this week as we Slowly Jazz(tm) the news and talk Oscars, Timely Comics, Dwayne McDuffie, and more! Plus, Kal gives Stephen King the bum’s rush, Mika
We join the choir of Afronauts this week as we sing the praises of the dearly departed Thin White Duke. Plus, we’re totally raiding the cupboards in Potions class and