This week, we review the new Netflix film, The Old Guard! Bo-oing! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! Celebrate guilty pleasure movies with Kal

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
This week, we review the new Netflix film, The Old Guard! Bo-oing! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! Celebrate guilty pleasure movies with Kal
We’re fighting our way out of the Quar(antine) this week to bring you a review and discussion of the first three Marvel Comics Black Widow mini-series! No movie, no problem!
Get our message this week as we talk to sci-fi and fantasy author Elizabeth Bear about Thundarr the Barbarian, time travel, and heroic saloon girls! And in the show’s second
The clock is running this week as Mika takes the reins and Kal wrestles the demon laryngitis for the championship. Along the way, we talk Frank Cho, X-Men TV shows,