Things get weird this week as we put Grant Morrison on trial for putting Wonder Woman on trial in Wonder Woman: Earth One for Comic Book Club! Plus, our definitive

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
Things get weird this week as we put Grant Morrison on trial for putting Wonder Woman on trial in Wonder Woman: Earth One for Comic Book Club! Plus, our definitive
Did you have fun? We sure did. CONvergence 2016 is over and now we’re wondering “…and how do we get home?” Join us for a look at the last day
Hey, look! This is kind of late, huh? You should see the other guy. It’s our recap of Day 3 of CONvergence and it’s a tale of bears, concept albums,
CONvergence day 2 has come and gone and it turns out, even JET warriors are flesh and blood. We are exhausted and barely made it out of today, but tune
…and we’ll *tell* you how we got there! …car, actually. A car. CONvergence has begun and we’re here to help you make sense of the CHAOS on the show floor!
The party’s over but the hurt has just begun. We get hit with the one-two punch of our last Con Tips segment before CONvergence and the cinematic crapulence that is
Grab your shield, take off your pants, and start singing your unicorn song as we live through Legend! Plus, we’ve got news on Dr. Strange, the new XBox, and…LinkedIn? Who
The con is over and it was grand! It’s our wrap-up show for CONvergence and it’s a doozy. We talk panels, cricket, toast and we bring you the news from
It’s Day 3 and we’re still here. Join us as we run down all the best panels, the nerd catnip (nerdnip?) PLUS we talk to Joseph Scrimshaw AND Melissa F.
The CON rolls ON as we shift into day two of the long haul. We went to the Mad Max panel so…car puns. Also on the show, we talk Night