This week, we say good bye to the talented artists Carlos Pacheco and Kevin O’Neill and celebrate the life and career of the definitive Batman, Kevin Conroy! #RIPKevinConroy Check out

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
This week, we say good bye to the talented artists Carlos Pacheco and Kevin O’Neill and celebrate the life and career of the definitive Batman, Kevin Conroy! #RIPKevinConroy Check out
It’s our best of 2019 episode where we talk about our favorite films, TV shows, video games, and more! Plus, we’ve got news, Cats thoughts, and a new theory about
Ooooooooh, hello! Check out Miniature X-Files Office on Instagram
First Photo of Jason Momoa as Aquaman from “Batman V Superman” Released I honestly can’t tell if I’m supposed to be excited, disappointed, sleepy or what anymore with the constant
Pics below. If anyone has an idea on who the artist is, let us know.
Presented in no particular order Here’s the new banner art for our site which I’ve got to actually get up soon ok nevermind more pics incoming Ok, then Admiral Adama
Confession: I have not been following Spider-Verse very closely but this…this makes it all worthwhile. J. Michael Straczynski, I pardon thee.
So this is a thing… Via Kotaku
All right, this is just amazing. I’m clearly not trying hard enough.
Thank God they wrote this so I didn’t have to