This week, we’re watching the weak-ass action films of ’80s Arnold Schwarzenegger! Listen to “354: The Night Chicago Died Twice” on Spreaker.

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
This week, we’re watching the weak-ass action films of ’80s Arnold Schwarzenegger! Listen to “354: The Night Chicago Died Twice” on Spreaker.
Get the kid out of the picture because we’ve got a review of Terminator: Dark Fate! Plus, a torrent of the weekly nerd news and we remember the unforgettable Robert
Things get weird this week as we delve into nerd news, say goodbye to icons of the geeksphere, and we try to prepare for the End of Days! Listen to
Leave it all on the dance floor with us on this show as we begin our Long March of Christmas Pain by watching 1996’s cinematic genital torture-fest, Jingle All the