We’re back to do it all over again as we review Alita: Battle Angel and Umbrella Academy! Plus, a look at the comics that inspired the film and Netflix show.

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We’re back to do it all over again as we review Alita: Battle Angel and Umbrella Academy! Plus, a look at the comics that inspired the film and Netflix show.
It’s time to get UPBEAT with us as we review Teen Titans Go To The Movies! Plus, we take a look back at the Timm/Diniverse DCAU films, and we’ve got
It’s the end of the world as we know it and we are freaking out as we collide with Secret Wars (2015) for this week’s Comic Book Club! Plus, we