Our arms are wide this week as struggle to understand our new world, but! We’re still bringing you all the news that’s fit to cast from the nerd world, including
Category: podcast
190: None More Black
Escape the darkest timeline with us on this show and discover something even darker as we study Black Science! Plus, we’ve got news of American Werewolves, Japanese cats, British Spider-Men,
189: D&D Minus
Grab your character sheet, your dice, and your sanity as we roll to save against the stinkier-than-an-otyugh Dungeons and Dragons: The Movie! Plus, catch up on news about Ghost in
188: Ditko Balls
There were a lot of good options for naming this episode, but in the end, it always came down to Ditko Balls. Be cowed, wowed, and plowed this show as
187: Crunchin’ the Juice Extreme Style
Take the hit from nostalgia with us this show as we try to remember anything at all from our childhoods that wasn’t awful…and it looks like the Buffy the Vampire
186: Coal-lateral Damage
We test Santa’s patience this week as we bring the News of the Nerd, place our bets on Stan Lee vs. the Grim Reaper, and curse that cowardly p’tach Bryan
185: Jekyll and Heidi
It’s movies, movies, MOVIES this week as we review Teen Wolf for Craft Disservices! Plus, Squatchin’ Guru Tara stops by JET Headquarters to talk about a trio of found-footage horror
184: Domo Arigot, Mr. Robot
Ride the Hurricane this week with us as we wrestle down Daredevil: The Man Without Fear for Comic Book Club! Plus, a look at the Guardians and Logan trailers, and
183: VR Trumpers
Liberate yourself from the average podcast this week and join us on a trip to the other side as we ARE SUCKED INTO HELL BY EVENT HORIZON! But, before that,
182: Mulan Pixie Dream Girl
Storm the castle with us this week as we take it to Disney over their Mulan and Aladdin remakes, talk Supergirl, Wonder Woman and the UN(?), bring you the news,