Watch Jessie Graff, a stuntwoman on Supergirl, destroy the course on American Ninja Warrior. She’s one Bullets and Bracelets round away from being the Ambassador to man’s world. Also, I

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
Watch Jessie Graff, a stuntwoman on Supergirl, destroy the course on American Ninja Warrior. She’s one Bullets and Bracelets round away from being the Ambassador to man’s world. Also, I
This movie might finally get made and they’ve found the perfect guy to play the lead; wonder who they’ll get to synchronize with him? (No! Not Oscar Isaac! Down! Down,
Batten the hatches this week and get ready for the rise of the robots as we read Avengers AI for Comic Book Club! Also, News of the Geek, Disney villainy,