Stress can be fun and powdered teeth taste amazing! That’s what we’re telling ourselves this week as we get ready for Emerald City Comic Con. We’ll be at the show, which runs April 7-10, bringing you news and updates from the show floor, plus coverage of post-show parties and events, pictures and video, reviews of merch, and your little dog, too!
Here’s some links to our social media outlets, in case you forgot. Follow us for updates from the show!
Also at the show, we have been humbled by getting the chance to talk to some of the comic industry’s hottest new talents and its influential legends. Here’s who we’re interviewing at the show:
Vanesa R. Del Rey
Comfort Love and Adam Withers
Sam Humphries
Ben Templesmith
Aaron McConnell
Mike McGhee
Corin Howell
Sanford Greene
Kyle Strahm
Tamra Bonvillain
Steve Lieber
Ed Brisson
Jen Wang
Pia Guerra
Arielle Jovellanos
Bryan JL Glass
Matt Wilson
Jamie McKelvie
Jim Mahfood
Chrissie Zullo
Curt Pires
Kurt Busiek
Kevin Wada
Mitch Gerads
Faith Erin Hicks
Camilla d’Errico
Jay and Miles from XPlain the X-Men!
Clearly, someone has made a mistake and that mistake will be rectified when we are thrown, bodily, out of the con and onto Interstate 5, but until then! We will be bringing you stimulating and entertaining talk from these amazing people.
So click those links above, check out our Patreon page to increase our chances of getting home, and take this journey with us to the Emerald City!
Keep the geek fires burning!