Lace up your wooden shoes as we go on a whirlwindmill tour of the American films of Dutch master, Paul Verhoeven! Plus, we’ve got the news of the nerd, including

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
Lace up your wooden shoes as we go on a whirlwindmill tour of the American films of Dutch master, Paul Verhoeven! Plus, we’ve got the news of the nerd, including
Feel the rush with us this week as we kickfilp over the most XXTREME film that could have come straight from the ’90s: Venom! We’ve got a spoiler-filled review of
Stay away from the owkwa this week as we mine the season finales of The Expanse and WestWORLD! Plus, we bring you the news of the nerd, like Fandom powered
The march continues as we enter Phase 2 of our Marvel Cinematic Universe rewatch! Join us for a look at the Empire Strikes Back era of Marvel films, where each
Toast absent friends with us this week as we take it in the ready room from Star Trek: Nemesis! Yeesh. Plus, news, Four Loko, fake Martian astronauts, we play Star
It was doomed from the start, but Kal tries his level best to nitpick a classic, on the newest installment of our Star Trek films re-watch series: Star Trek II:
It’s a race to the bottom this week as two exhausted yahoos try to stare down an unholy trinity: SICARIO, SPECTRE and KEANU! And as if that wasn’t enough, add
It’s Deadpool’s world now; we just live in it…until he kills us. The Merc with the Mouth has taken Hollywood by storm and we’re here to sort through the pieces
JET is back with a news update where we talk Night Vale, Blade Runner, Labyrinth, and Doctor Who. Plus, reviews of the return of The X-Files *and* Agent Carter! AND