We are back for our first day of Emerald City Comic Con 2016! Listen in as we talk naked pedestrians, salty bus drivers, and Hard Wok! Oh, *AND* news from

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We are back for our first day of Emerald City Comic Con 2016! Listen in as we talk naked pedestrians, salty bus drivers, and Hard Wok! Oh, *AND* news from
What day is it even…we have no idea. As Emerald City Comic Con opens in Seattle, Image pulls of the heist of the century by kickstarting con a day early
Stress can be fun and powdered teeth taste amazing! That’s what we’re telling ourselves this week as we get ready for Emerald City Comic Con. We’ll be at the show,
Grab a plate and a slice of beefcake this week as we talk the Mighty Men of Marvel, BvS (again), a new Dungeons and Dragons film, and the new home
It’s every single atom of news and announcements from this weekend’s San Diego Comic Con! We talk X-Men, Deadpool, Star Wars, Batman v Superman, dogs and cats living together, MASS
The con is over and it was grand! It’s our wrap-up show for CONvergence and it’s a doozy. We talk panels, cricket, toast and we bring you the news from
It’s Day 3 and we’re still here. Join us as we run down all the best panels, the nerd catnip (nerdnip?) PLUS we talk to Joseph Scrimshaw AND Melissa F.
CONvergence begins! …tomorrow! We pre-game the 4-day celebration of all things nerdy and this is *your* all-access pass. I mean, it will be…tomorrow…YAY PRE-CON DAY!!! #CVG2015 Pre-show link here! OBEY
The wizard has left the building but we’re still here to put the period on the sentence that was Wizard World Minneapolis. Join us for news, a review and a
The show must (and does) go on in our day 2 coverage of Wizard World Minneapolis. Today we talk panels, the existential fear of meeting your favorite creators and why