We say goodbye to comics legend Neal Adams this week and celebrate his life by looking at his titanic work on Batman! My co-host is a junkie! Check out the

Hosts Ka1iban and Mikanhana dig through a slurry of movie, TV, music, comics & gaming news because that's how you like it! On iTunes and Spreaker
We say goodbye to comics legend Neal Adams this week and celebrate his life by looking at his titanic work on Batman! My co-host is a junkie! Check out the
In the shadow of #MutiverseofMadness, we take a look at an early meeting between #DoctorStrange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment! Where’s Doctor Druid? Check out the new show on
This week, we’re hunting down the 2005 movie Elektra and digging up its comic book roots! David Auburn is not gonna like this! Read Maus! https://archive.org/details/mausisurvivorsta00spie/page/8/mode/2up Check out the new
Check your faces at the door this week as we explore the origins of Moon Knight! Butt fight! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! http://www.twitter.com/noob_sailor
This week, we get spooky and scary with Marvel’s Legion of Monsters! The wrong kid bi! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! http://www.twitter.com/noob_sailor Celebrate guilty
This week, we prepare ourselves for combat by reading the first adventures of Shang-Chi! Shang-Chi pleads not guilty! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! http://www.twitter.com/noob_sailor
Prepare for domination this week as we review the M.O.D.O.K. comic and Hulu series! It’s Guller time! Check out the new show on the JET Network, Sailor Noob! Tweets by
This week, we’re going rogue as we read the Black Widow trade “The Name of the Rose”! It’s like there’s a list for this stuff! Check out the new show
No treats, all tricks this week as we review the new Disney+ series “Loki” and the comic that inspired it, “Loki: Agent of Asgard”! Are we the baddies? Check out
This week, we explore the secret history of the Marvel Universe as we learn the tale of Isaiah Bradley, the first Captain America with “Truth: Red, White, and Black”! I’m